What Is CBD?

CBD 101

When CBD, otherwise known as Cannabidiol, first began appearing on the market, it got a bad rap. People heard “cannabidiol” and thought cannabis—marijuana. CBD, however, is not THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. It doesn’t get you high. CBD is a naturally occurring compound that can be found in many plants we eat every day, like kale and broccoli. It is especially robust in hemp, which has been used medically to treat both humans and animals for almost 5,000 years. Modern day science has discovered that CBD is the active ingredient in the plant that accounts for its natural healing and palliative properties.


All mammals have what’s called an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that helps regulate our sleep, mood, appetite, pain and our immune system response. CBD works by stimulating the ECS, enhancing and supporting many of the body’s vital functions. The fact that it’s non-psychoactive means CBD can avoid many of the laws and concerns about marijuana. This has led to countless new medical studies exploring the many ways CBD impacts health and wellness. The World Health Organization has recognized CBD as being safe and non-toxic with very few side effects. The World Anti-Doping Agency removed CBD from its list of banned substances, opening the way for professional and amateur athletes to use CBD for the aches and pains of intense physical activity.

According to science, mammals have evolved in such a way that CBD can play a unique and powerful role in helping us become the healthiest versions of ourselves. This means that not only humans can take advantage of CBD’s astonishing benefits—so can dogs and cats and, of course, horses. CBD supplements can help our faithful companions overcome inflammation, pain, anxiety, digestive issues, nausea, joint pain, skin problems, and many other health challenges, including epileptic seizures.

Horses are particularly susceptible to joint and tendon issues, skin conditions and digestive challenges. CBD is increasingly used by horse owners to keep their animals healthy and active and has been shown to be completely safe for equine consumption.

The endocannabinoid system is controlled by two different receptors: CB1 and CB2. CBD is the only compound that works directly with these receptors, and, according to science, mammals have evolved in such a way that we need CBD in order to be the most healthy versions of ourselves. When humans and dogs take supplemental CBD, we activate these receptors and often treat inflammation, pain, anxiety, digestive issues, nausea, joint pain, skin issues, and many other health challenges.

Source of Hemp and CBD

Equine Med Labs products are made from hemp oil that is extracted from organic hemp plants that are free of THC. Our plants are harvested from one of the largest USDA certified organic hemp farms in the country. Many alternative products use cheap Chinese and Russian hemp that is not organic and often grown in toxic soil.

Method of Extraction

Equine Med Labs uses ONLY supercritical CO2 extraction to safely bring the healthy and essential oils out of the plant, leaving contaminants and unnecessary components behind. Almost all other CBD products on the market utilize toxic solvents to extract the oils such as butane (yes, lighter fluid) or harsh alcohols. Another significant issue is that these toxic solvents destroy the health benefits of the hemp oils being extracted, and often remain present in the extracted CBD oil. Would you ever drown your broccoli in lighter fluid and then serve it to your family after it (supposedly) evaporated? Our CO2 extraction preserves the quality of sensitive living plant material, gently isolating only the pure, beneficial CBD oil.

Whole Hemp Plant or Hemp Seeds Only

Equine Med Labs uses the whole hemp plant and the hemp seeds to make our CBD products and CBD oil. Some companies only use cheaper hemp seeds in their products. Hemp seeds, while an excellent source of protein and Omega 3, 6, and 9, do not contain any CBD at all. The whole plant is the best source for the multitude of healthy cannabinoids that power our products.



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